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Ohio Election Integrity Network
Working to Ensure FREE - FAIR -HONEST - ACCURATE - TRANSPARENT Elections in Ohio

OEIN Focuses on these Key Election Areas

1. Board of Election "BOE" - Building a working relationship with our 88 County "BOE"


2. Poll Observers - Recruiting & Training for voting locations


3. Mail Voting Processes  - Monitors how USPS handles all absentee ballots


4. Data Team - Analyzes data, downloaded from the Secretary of State's office, concerning

voter rolls, voter roll maintenance, and voter registration


5. Vulnerable Voters - Assists with elder care, handicapped, and military ballots


6. Machines & Technology  - Monitors certification of machines & software


7. Legislative - Statutory Provisions & Compliance, plus Legislative oversight and advocacy


8. Media & Communications – informing and educating Ohioans regarding voting systems


9. Citizens Research Project - stay updated on current election integrity issues 


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Hello Ohio Patriots Groups!

   We've created a Campaign within Align Act -

Ready for you to take action!

The intent of this campaign is to alert Ohio County Prosecutors regarding the questionable activities of the Black Fork Strategies group (synopsis below), and to put them on notice that we expect them to take action against law breakers!

Please review, and if you agree, forward this email to your members!


Hit this link or graphic to the side and begin to make a difference:

Black Fork Strategies - Problematic Voter Registrations


Once you access the link above, you will see a

"Take Action Now" button.

  • You will be asked for address and contact info - this identifies you as an Ohio constituent (Align Act does not share your personal info)

  • When you Submit your info, Align Act will prompt to send the Black Fork Strategies message to all Ohio County Prosecutors.

  • You can choose to deliver the message via Email, Phone Call or both

  • Follow the Align Act prompts and finish by clicking on "I am Done"

  • Align Act will Report back the persons to whom the message was sent


This message can be forwarded and shared with other like-minded patriots.!


Thank you for making a difference!


Synopsis of the Black Fork Election Integrity Issue:

The Ohio Secretary of State has alerted Ohio Voters that at least 20 County Board of Election offices have received questionable voter registration forms from

Black Fork Strategies, an Ohio organization whose website states its

mission is to "build long-term progressive Power".

One of Black Fork's initiatives includes paying individuals for voter registration canvassing. Canvassers have changed addresses on registrations without the voters' authorization and submitted fraudulent voter names, such as "Henry Kissinger".

After the Secretary of State's Election Integrity team reviewed the registrations,

the matter was referred to the affected County Prosecutor's Office for

investigation and potential prosecution.


Ohioans can check their voter registration information by going to the

Secretary of State Frank LaRose Website and typing in your name.

My Voter Information - Voter Search (


The Ohio Election Integrity Network is requesting your help to ensure the County Prosecutors know that voters from across the country are watching, and we expect them to make these cases a priority. Please become an Advocate today!

 More info at:



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Hello Ohio Patriots!

"Open Letter to the Ohio Secretary of State"   

We've created a Campaign within Align Act - Ready for you to take action!

The intent of this campaign is to make Ohio Legislators aware of the recent "Open Letter to the SOS" sent to Frank LaRose in August. This letter urges

Mr. LaRose to take select election integrity steps prior to our fall election.

Please review the detail and links below, and if you agree,

please hit the link below, or click on the image to the side, 

then forward this email to your friends and other patriot groups!  


Open Letter to Secretary of State | AlignAct


Once you access the link above, you will see a "Take Action Now" button.

  • You will be asked for address and contact info - this identifies you as an Ohio constituent (Align Act does not share your personal info)

  • When you Submit your info, Align Act will prompt to send the Black Fork Strategies message to all Ohio County Prosecutors.

  • You can choose to deliver the message via Email, Phone Call or both

  • Follow the Align Act prompts and finish by clicking on "I am Done"

  • Align Act will Report back the persons to whom the message was sent

  • Thank you for making a difference!


Synopsis of the "Letter to the SOS":

In an effort to put as many election integrity processes in place prior to our November elections, Marcell Strbich has written an open “Letter to the Secretary of State (SoS). In this letter he urges Frank LaRose to ensure that only legitimate and eligible voters participate in the upcoming fall elections, and he provides concrete actions that the SoS could take now to assure election integrity.  

You can Download the Full Open Letter to SoS Here


We would like to amplify this letter and place it before the Ohio Legislators and Attorney General via this email campaign.  The Ohio Election Integrity Network is requesting your help to highlight and inform legislators of tangible steps that the SoS is able to take prior to November 2024, to make our election safe & secure.

Please become an Advocate today!

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